Tens of thousands of dentists have chosen to be specially trained to implement sedation—to relax their patients, creating a safe and comfortable dental experience. These doctors understand that for far too many people, dental fear and anxiety complicates access to essential treatment. So how does sedation dentistry work? Sedation dentists use commonly prescribed sedation medications. These medications, which have been subjected to rigorous study, allow the patients to respond to questions, yet remain totally relaxed and unaware of the sights, smells and sounds of the dental office while retaining little to no memory of the experience. |
Learning about sedation is all well and good—but this site wouldn’t truly be doing its job without directly giving you the tools to find a sedation dentist, right? Every doctor on this site has taken hours upon hours of continuing education in order to practice sedation for the patients who need it most. Two million positive experiences. These dentists are responsible for the positive experiences of over two million patients, some of whom have stepped forward to tell their stories on this website. |
We all experience some fear in our lives. There are fears for which avoidance is a perfectly reasonable reaction. But there are certain fears for which avoidance can lead to a decrease in quality of life, or even worse, can endanger your health.
These specific anxieties present with a choice: live with the uncomfortable symptoms or take control and search for a solution. By visiting this website today, you’ve chosen a solution and for that we commend you.
Each year, millions of Americans avoid the dentist. In fact, it is estimated that 93 million people in the United States live with some degree of dental fear. Some have had traumatic experiences as children. Others have had unpleasant experiences as adults. For many, it’s simply a matter of not having the time for lengthy appointments.
Regardless of the reason, far too many people have simply stopped seeking routine dental care. Even when faced with the warning signs of pain and decay, they still steer clear of the dentist.
With Sedation Dentistry there is no need for you to avoid dental care anymore. Use SedationCare’s search feature at the top of every page to find a qualified sedation dentist near you.